Buried Under Books

Author interview: Rebecca Thornton discusses how her debut novel ‘The Exclusives’ developed and why it’s set in a boarding school

A really good friend can make a frightening enemy. ‘The Exclusives’ explores this premise: what happens when best friends betray each other? How far might they go to harm each other and secure their own futures? This is former journalist Rebecca Thornton’s debut novel and today her blog tour visits Buried Under Books, which means […]

What your one year old REALLY thinks of you

Ever wondered why your one year old loves knocking down sandcastles? This is your chance to find out. What’s it about? That incredible year between turning one and two, during which Little People make huge strides in controlling their adults (Smooths and Hairies) using a range of strategies including tactical manoeuvres, such as the fail-safe […]

Val McDermid: the anatomy of crime

‘Every contact leaves a trace.’ This is the Locard Exchange Principle and it’s the fundamental building block of what we term ‘forensics’. In this neatly presented book, talented crime writer Val McDermid explores the development of forensic science and its applications in solving real life crime. What’s it about? McDermid explores the interaction of justice […]
