Buried Under Books

Category: Non-fiction

REVIEW: ‘Neurotribes’ by Steve Silberman

My daughter once asked me if I wished her brother wasn’t autistic. My instinctive response was no, because his autism is inextricable from him and it is impossible to imagine who he would be without his neurological differences. I’m fairly sure that this was not the answer my daughter expected to hear, as she views […]

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REVIEW: ‘Ravenous’ by David Dimbleby

‘You may not be aware of this…but you do not control what you eat.’ We don’t tend to think of ourselves as being part of systems, but in this fascinating book, Dimbleby explains how the global and, specifically, UK food system is simultaneously supporting us, manipulating us and even killing us. What’s it about? In […]

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REVIEW: ‘Undoctored’ by Adam Kay

‘Medicine was harder to leave than O2 or Virgin Active gyms.’ Adam Kay is back with his second memoir, reflecting on his experiences not just as a student and doctor within the NHS but with his own mental and physical health. What’s it about? Kay’s adult debut, ‘This is going to hurt’, was sad and […]

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REVIEW: ‘The Power of Trees’ by Peter Wohlleben

‘It’s a bit like butchers telling you they’re taking good care of animals.’ Ouch. Peter Wohlleben is not pulling any punches in his discussion of ‘clear cuts’ in forestry, (removing all the trees) but then, why would he when he considers “traditional forestry” to be the very definition of madness – “doing the same thing […]

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REVIEW: ‘Feeling Blah’ by Tanith Carey

Do you feel happy? Sad? Or do you mostly just feel – blah. Flat emotions may not be a sign that someone is experiencing depression, but it can be a precursor to it. After all, we might desire a life without sadness, fear and anger, but no one wants a life devoid of joy, excitement […]

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REVIEW: ‘Caring Conservationists’ by Kate Peridot

Did you know that lions no longer live in prides? It makes sense when you think about it: of course, as available territory has reduced and can’t sustain large groups, lions must necessarily live and hunt in smaller groups. This was one of the many thought provoking pieces of information my daughters and I discovered […]

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REVIEW: ‘How Not to Die’ by Michael Greger M.D.

Everyone knows that we should eat 5 fruits / vegetables a day to protect our health – but that’s not true. The real figure, arrived at through considerable research, is 9, but public health messengers decided that the public didn’t want to hear that – it wasn’t a figure they would consider realistic or achievable […]

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REVIEW: ‘The Book of Trespass’ by Nick Haynes

Did you know that you may legally access only 3% of England’s rivers? The remaining 97% are privately owned. How did that come about? Should England’s citizens be restricted in this way? What is the history behind our segregation from our own land and what are the consequences? Nick Hayes’ explores these issues – and […]

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REVIEW: ‘The Devil You Know’ by Dr Gwen Adshead and Eileen Horne

‘We are more alike than different.’ This is the essence of Dr Adshead’s argument: that while it is easier to write off certain criminals as monsters, it is essential to admit their humanity and recognise the value of rehabilitation over our instinctive desire for vengeance. Of course, this is easier said than done, but Dr […]

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