Buried Under Books

CrimeFest 2018 highlights

Books. Bookish people. And a bar. Welcome to @CrimeFest18! Ok, so there was a bit more to it than that. Crime Fest is a four day long extravaganza of crime reading fun, during which authors team up on panels to discuss topics ranging from ‘crime in a time of war’ and ‘a touch of the […]

REVIEW: ‘The October List’ by Jeffrey Deaver

I LOVED THIS BOOK. ‘The October List’ is a crime novel with a fabulous twist: the story unfolds in reverse. Think ‘Memento’ but with fewer tattoos and less treachery. Nah, I’m kidding. There’s plenty of treachery. The idea Gabriela’s daughter has been kidnapped. She is waiting desperately for news. The door opens, but it isn’t […]

REVIEW: ‘Harm’s Reach’ by Alex Barclay

I may be something of an unusual crime reader. As a rule, I’m really not bothered about the detectives; I mostly just want to know about the crimes, the clues and the solutions. Oh and the motivations, obviously! I think this is probably why I don’t typically get attached to crime series featuring recurring characters: […]

REVIEW: ‘Anything You Do Say’ by Gillian McAllister

I’ll admit it: the title hooked me. Then, the premise: I love books that explore alternative possibilities, Sliding Doors style, especially ones with significant consequences, not just romantic ones. What’s it about? Joanna meets a man in a bar. He bothers her. She leaves, walking home alone. Then, she hears footsteps behind her. She’s sure […]

REVIEW: ‘Elizabeth is Missing’ by Emma Healey

Memory. It is vitally important to our sense of selves, and some of my favourite tales explore how it’s loss can affect us. Christopher Nolan’s film, ‘Memento’ and books including ‘The One Memory of Flora Banks’, ‘How I Lost You‘, ‘The Last Thing I Remember‘, ‘The Girl on the Train‘ and many more create powerful […]

REVIEW: ‘Why Mummy Drinks’ by Gill Sims

Peter and Jane and Mummy Too: The Book. Sort of. Gill Sims is an extremely successful “mummy blogger” who maintains a Facebook page which presents the trials and tribulations of her family life to the world. It is funny. Very funny. So when I learned she had written a book, I was excited and delighted […]

REVIEW: ’29 seconds’ by T. M. Logan

Do you like staying up all night? If not then you should definitely start reading T. M. Logan’s second thrilling novel, ’29 Seconds’, early on in the day. This is a gripping story that combines a twisting plot with a very relevant look at the way our culture rewards predatory male behaviour. What’s it about? […]

REVIEW: ‘Little Boy Blue’ by M. J. Arlidge

When you realise your police investigation is going to expose your own double life… #Awkward What’s it about? DI Helen Grace is summoned to ‘The Torture Rooms’, a Southampton night club that caters for a particular clientele, to discover a murdered man bound from head to toe. As she unwraps him, she discovers she knows […]