Buried Under Books

REVIEW: ‘The Wreckage of Us’ by Dan Malakin

Astrid Webb is missing, but she’s also sick and usually stays at home. Bryan Webb arrives home from a cycle ride to find the police waiting outside his perfect countryside cottage to inform him that they’ve found his wife’s car, with blood inside, abandoned near the woods. Bryan immediately has questions: why had Astrid left […]

REVIEW: ‘her’ by Harriet Lane

You don’t remember her but she remembers you. Intriguing, yes? According to the Daily Telegraph, this is ‘[an] exquisitely sinister psychological thriller’, but, for me, it barely felt like a thriller. Short version: one woman deliberately insinuates herself into another woman’s life in what feels like preparation for some kind of revenge and just as […]

REVIEW: ‘I See You’ by Clare Mackintosh

Imagine spotting your own photo in a newspaper advert. Is it really you? It looks like you. How did the your photo end up in the classified section? Is it an error? Or is it something much, much worse? What’s it about? Zoe Walker is deeply unsettled when she spots her photo buried next to […]

REVIEW: ‘Play for Me’ by C. P. White

Would you play a game to save your life? I’m a big fan of psychological thrillers and the premise for ‘Play for me’ was definitely intriguing: ‘LJ must give the performance of a lifetime, if she wants to avoid a deadly final curtain call…’ What’s it about? LJ’s life is going downhill – fast. She […]

REVIEW: ‘The Chalk Man’ by C. J. Tudor

Very hyped books. You know those books. The ones EVERYONE is talking about? The one even your non-book-reading friends have read? Yeah, that one. And you find yourself wondering, how is it possible that I’ve not read this? Why don’t I possess a copy yet? If you’re a book blogger there might even be a […]

‘Lies’ blog tour: TM Logan Guest Post

Today I’m welcoming TM Logan to BuriedUnderBooks as part of the blog tour for his debut novel ‘Lies’. ‘Lies’ is a psychological thriller which explores a life suddenly upturned, a family torn apart by, well, lies and the darker side of social media. Want to know more? Here’s the blurb: ————————————————— When Joe Lynch stumbles across […]
