Buried Under Books

Buried Under Books is excited about…’Stasi Wolf’

‘Stasi Wolf’ is published today. This is the follow-up to David Young’s hugely successful and thoroughly chilling Cold War novel, ‘Stasi Child’ (which I LOVED; you can read my review here). Both books are set in Communist East Germany and follow the investigations of Karin Muller, murder squad detective and good East German citizen. Muller […]

‘Lies’ blog tour: TM Logan Guest Post

Today I’m welcoming TM Logan to BuriedUnderBooks as part of the blog tour for his debut novel ‘Lies’. ‘Lies’ is a psychological thriller which explores a life suddenly upturned, a family torn apart by, well, lies and the darker side of social media. Want to know more? Here’s the blurb: ————————————————— When Joe Lynch stumbles across […]

‘Missing Pieces’: what Sarah couldn’t see

When is a mystery not a mystery? Is it when you can work out the killer in the first third of the book and (rarely) doubt that you’re wrong? Or is it when you’re always several steps ahead of the main investigative character, rendering much of their hypothesising redundant? Maybe it’s when you aren’t convinced […]
