Buried Under Books

Buried Under Books is excited about… The Story Museum

Ah, school holidays with young children. It’s an inescapable opportunity to spend hours shouting “stop, NO, don’t touch that, say sorry to your sister”  quality time with my little boy, while managing the needs of his even littler sisters, so the immediate question is: what can I do to get us all out of the house? Somewhere fun, […]

REVIEW ‘Stasi Wolf’: how to solve a crime without admitting there was one

Sometimes a book surprises you. Last year that book was David Young’s debut novel, ‘Stasi Child’ – winner of the CWA Historical Dagger award. Despite my vague belief that I don’t really enjoy reading historical fiction, despite my occasional professed boredom with another story focusing on life in post-WW2 Germany, I LOVED ‘Stasi Child’. It’s […]
