‘It’s a bit like butchers telling you they’re taking good care of animals.’ Ouch. Peter Wohlleben is not pulling any punches in his discussion of ‘clear cuts’ in forestry, (removing all the trees) but then, why would he when he considers “traditional forestry” to be the very definition of madness – “doing the same thing […]
Do you feel happy? Sad? Or do you mostly just feel – blah. Flat emotions may not be a sign that someone is experiencing depression, but it can be a precursor to it. After all, we might desire a life without sadness, fear and anger, but no one wants a life devoid of joy, excitement […]
Did you know that lions no longer live in prides? It makes sense when you think about it: of course, as available territory has reduced and can’t sustain large groups, lions must necessarily live and hunt in smaller groups. This was one of the many thought provoking pieces of information my daughters and I discovered […]
Everyone knows that we should eat 5 fruits / vegetables a day to protect our health – but that’s not true. The real figure, arrived at through considerable research, is 9, but public health messengers decided that the public didn’t want to hear that – it wasn’t a figure they would consider realistic or achievable […]
Sometimes it’s nice to try reading something a little different. ‘Where the Water Flows’, a story about a dramatic event rather than a crime, certainly fits that description for me. The Blurb: It had been a long, hot summer followed by a very wet autumn. The River Hawk, lying to the north of a former […]
Imagine that a novel virus caused chaos and led to significant restrictions on public movement and… Oh. Hello Covid-19! No need to imagine the government crackdown or the population’s reactions. But actually, that just makes ‘Songs by Dead Girls’, first published in 2018, EVEN BETTER because it’s so perfectly pitched. Now I don’t mean that […]
Loved the premise; loved the outcome; loved the atmosphere. ‘The Silence of the Sea’ is apparently Yrsa Sigurdardottir’s sixth novel featuring lawyer Thora Gudmundsdottir, but it worked perfectly well as a standalone. I like a story where the main focus is on the current investigation, rather than on the protagonist’s current life issues, and this […]
Local drug dealer found dead – very dead. Death is surely an occupational hazard for drug dealers, especially those who are actively engaged in turf warfare, but when Tadeusz Filipowski’s body is examined, it becomes clear that more than one person really wanted him dead. It’s up to Heart of England police detective sergeant Sunita Roy […]
No one even knew they were together. Now one of them is dead. I loved this premise. Even better? I thoroughly enjoyed the execution too and devoured this book over the course of just a few days. What’s it about? When Covid-19 reaches Ireland and lockdown looms, a tentative couple who’ve only been on two […]
‘The reading public enjoys murders.’ So reflects a detective assigned to investigate a particular murder. Harriet Hall’s murder is certainly one the local press enjoy when the inquest reveals a rather sensational fact about the victim. But who is Harriet? And why should we care that she’s been murdered? What’s it about? Miss Amy Steer […]