Twins are fascinating. None more so than identical twins. How they relate to each other, how they relate to other people, even how you can tell them apart: these are all rich sources of material for a writer, but S. K. Tremayne’s gothically charged novel starts from the end in a sense by exploring the […]
“I did something terrible, Grace. I hope you can forgive me.”‘ Charlie’s last words to best friend Grace have haunted her since Charlie died four months ago. What can Charlie possibly have done? It can’t be worse than what Grace did…can it? What’s it about? After her best friend dies, Grace feels set adrift. In […]
Never take sides. Stay neutral. Stay friends. This is what Hannah and Josh vow when they learn their best friends, Sasha and Dan, are splitting up. Never mind that Dan has abruptly decided to ditch Sasha and four year old daughter September to romance a 24 year old model. Never mind that Sasha has vowed […]
Earlier this year I was privileged to read and review ‘The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper’. In this delightful tale, a widower goes on an adventure and discovers that he and the world still have plenty to offer each other. It’s perfect for readers who enjoy slightly whimsical, touching stories about loss and discovery, letting […]
Today I’m welcoming the lovely Katy Collins to Buriedunderbooks to talk about travelling and adventure. Katy certainly knows what she’s talking about. When her wedding plans fell apart, she booked a solo round the world ticket and hasn’t looked back. Not content with simply seeing the sights and snapping up some souvenirs, Katy used the […]
Girls are in the news – for all the wrong reasons. Once upon a time, people worried rather a lot about boys; academically, they were trailing behind girls; culturally, they were struggling to find a place to fit into the modern world. In the last few years the media’s focus has shifted to the various pressures girls […]
So you’re an apartment manager and you blog about your experiences. What’s the logical next step? Writing a story about an apartment manager, of course. Heck, why not be ambitious and aim for a whole series of books? As Erin Huss, owner of The Apartment Manager’s Blog, says on her Goodreads page, “I have a […]
Last year I read and LOVED G. J. Minett’s debut novel, ‘The Hidden Legacy’. Since then I’ve been looking forward to reading his second novel, so I was delighted to be offered the opportunity to read it ahead of publication. ‘Lie in Wait’ is very different from Minett’s first novel – there’s an ongoing police investigation as […]
Autism is everywhere. Regardless of the cause(s), diagnoses are increasing and, having grown up with two autistic siblings, I was keen to read Keith Stuart’s ‘A Boy Made of Blocks’, which promised to be ‘an astonishingly authentic story of love, family and autism‘. What’s it about? Alex hates his job and, essentially, his life. He loves his […]
You might think this story is about a ring. That’s only the lure. It’s a story about deception, myth, manipulation and family feuds, and it positively seethes with blackmail and corruption. What’s the story? Tim Harding agrees to do a favour for a friend by bidding on his behalf at an auction for an ancient […]