Whenever my birthday or Christmas approaches my husband gets frustrated because my wishlist consists of books and, er, more books.

Here are just some of the reasons why he should be celebrating my bookishness, rather than despairing.

1. Books are super-easy to wrap.

See? Easy.

See? Easy.

2. Books don’t NEED to be wrapped; they already have such beautiful covers.

Seriously, it almost looks like it's wrapped in brown paper anyway.

Seriously, it almost looks like it’s wrapped in brown paper anyway.

3. Books are always appreciated.

"Yes, I bought MORE books...but look how happy it makes me!"

“Yes, I bought MORE books…but look how happy it makes me!”

4. Books keep forever (well, unless you drop them in a bath). The same cannot be said for Easter eggs.

"All gone, Mummy! Is there more?"

He actually ate most of it.

5. I am successfully inculcating our son with a love of books. Hee hee.

"And then what happeed?"

“And then what happened?”

6. Books have amazing powers to let you see beyond your own existence.

Books can transform lives.

Yes. Yes it is.

7. Choosing books as gifts means spending time in book shops, including the really cool ones with all sorts of nooks and crannies hiding precious gems.

Seriously, who wouldn't want to browse this book nook?

Seriously, who wouldn’t want to browse this book nook?

8. Books. Are. Ace.

"You mean I can borrow ANY BOOK I WANT?"

“You mean I can borrow ANY BOOK I WANT?”