Our local library have a fabulous selection of children’s book and my little ones love to browse. They will happily spend all afternoon there, handing me book after book to read. ‘Jumblebum’ is one of our current favourites. Well, Hannah and Marcus’ favourite. Jessica finds the monster a little scary…
The Book: ‘Jumblebum, the monster who loved mess’
The author: Chae Strathie
The illustrator: Ben Cort
The publisher: Scholastic
Published: 2013
Format: paperback
The concept:
Johnny is happy in his messy room with rotting food and creeping slime until his mess turns into a monster who wants to eat him! Can Johnny escape? And if he does, can he mend his messy ways?
Our thoughts:
The storyline is perfect for parents while thrilling the children. The rhymes flow well, the illustrations are superb and the story is exciting. Who knows? It may even encourage your little ones to clean up their rooms! Sensitive souls may find the monster a little scary, so as always I would advise parents read it first and consider their child’s disposition, but (spoiler alert) it is defeated in the end. Did you know your washing machine was a monster eater?
Hannah says:
Suggested age: 3 +