Buried Under Books

REVIEW: ‘Death Deserved’ by Jorn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger

The detective and the celebrity blogger. Together, can they catch a serial killer? ‘Death Deserved’, the first collaboration between two well established authors of Nordic Noir, Jorn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger, is a brilliantly engaging tale of a police man hunt that seeks to apprehend a flamboyant serial killer who’s determined to manipulate the […]

REVIEW: ‘Dark Pines’ by Will Dean

‘An elk emerges from the overgrown pines and it is monstrous.’ Tuva Moodyson, isolated Gavrik’s newest reporter, is less than keen on being surrounded by overgrown forest and occasionally charged at by an elk, but Gavrik is home and home is near where her terminally ill mother lives, so she’s learned to live with her […]
